Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I think my wireless is slower than dial up

I don't think I ever waited so long to get on to any web page. Myspace and Facebook take 4 months to load. I guess that I could use it as an excuse for not posting. Oh well, I have great news for everyone, American Gladiators is back on the air, and already it has been one of the best seasons yet. Now I have some reviews for this blog so I am justing going to get this out of the way. First of is Dewey Cox, I enjoyed the movie a lot. The cast was perfect. There were a lot of cameos that I wouldn't have expected but I was very impressed. Now on to music, Chiodos has released another album they still have a very good melodic style. With songs like Teeth the Size of Piano Keys they still maintain thier hard sound. Also I have the new All Heroes album, Chronos. If you haven't heard of they at least give them a try, www.myspace.com/allheroes. The lyrics aren't your average over sold lyrics. Songs like One Million and Counting, a fast almost techno guitar (yes techno guitar) give this song a feel good mix. The cd has a very relatable feel. Every song has an up beat tempo that is believably the rock version of pop, and I mean that in a good way. I defiantly give this c.d. a 4 out of 5 stars, the only reason I dont give them the last star is that the rythm of the tracks if listened to straight through is kind of jarring (I know that this not the fault of the band but an aestical). Then again maybe its because I am way to nitpicky about these things, There is only one catch to getting the full effect of the cd, you have to listen to the last song right up to the first. Alright I Know its taken me a while to write and I am trying to pick it up, but till next time my friends.

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